🌟 [EPIC] Release v2.0.0 In Groups Branch - Group: For Groups/Organisations/Projects - Subset Of Former Orgs EPIC Named Group Now Instead Org
Created by: ogerly
——— This issue is is a subset of the EPIC #4544 (closed) ———
General Concept
A group is the very general concept for every entity which is not a person – a group of people, an organisation, a business, a project, a charity, a foundation ...
Implement a feature called group
means to create a new entity which is not a user account and therefore can not be logged in. But it has a group profile similar to a user profile, see below.
New Pages And How To Reach Them
My Groups Page
Reach the my groups
New menu item My groups
: ( #5395 (closed) )-
Chose this user menu of the header will open the page.
Configurable Additional Options In Header
Option 1:
New icon with 2 people in a circle: (3 people would be more look like a group says @LarsE11 and @Tirokk agrees) -
Klick on this icon (source stylguide) in the header on the right hand between the language and the bell will open the page.
(see issue #5395 (closed) )
Option 2:
( @LarsE11 and @UlfTramsen wish and it seem nice to have the possibility)
Configurable quick click menu between header logo on the right and the search field. -
Maybe make the search field smaller: -
May expand it if the cursor fokus is in it (or have just a lupe and make the search field animated expanding if you click it)
Have Groups
orMy Groups
there as a text menu item.
New Group Profile Page
The group profile page can be reached by:
via the list on the my groups
page -
via the groups list on a users page -
click on avatar or slug-name of a group, may be on a post or in a list -
via the search in the header search field ( #5394 (closed) ) -
specific search groups with &…
Group TypesThere will be the types:
Public Group- Every registered user can read everything.
- Only group members can post/comment in the group.
- Of course you can leave the group at any time.
- Group members are visible for all registered users.
- By clicking on a button "Become a member" you immediately become a group member (without extra permission)
Closed Group- Content (e.g. posts) is readable for group members only.
- The group page is only visible and searchable for registered users.
- Either by invitation or by clicking the button "Become a member".
- Membership must be confirmed by a group admin. (high effort! because of the notification)
- Group admin can decide if group members are visible for all registered users or only for group members.
Hidden Group- The group page and all content is visible ONLY to group members.
- You can become a member ONLY by invitation.
My Groups Page→ More details, see issue #5140 (closed) and PR #5148 .
Reach the my groups
page under the path domain.social/mygroups
On this page you find:
- One list of the groups you own (maybe administer) and where you are a member.
- Have visual sign for your owned groups.
- An add button to create a new group.
List view:
- It's a list of group cards. (like our post cards)
- A group card shows a short form of the group informations.
Functionallities of a group card: (list item)
- Click on group card links to the group profile.
- On the group profile you can reach the group settings via the context menu.
- (later?) Context menu directly on the post card
- As it is on the group profile.
Group Settings PageSub issues:
The group settings are on two new pages located on the paths:
- Create with group settings:
- Edit group settings :
- A group has one admin/owner. (later more admins)
You'll have the following settings for a group:
For Admins
- name/title (unique)
- slug-name (unique)
- goal of the group, what's it for?
group type
- can be changed only in direction of higher invisibility, see issue #5387
- public → closed → hidden
- can be changed only in direction of higher invisibility, see issue #5387
- action radius
- local/regional
- national
- continental
- international
- location (for action radius: set optional)
- categories: 1-3
- manage membership, see issue #5386
- needs permission by the admin (checkbox)
- member list is group external visible (has public group this setting asks @Tirokk or always visible?) (yes says @LarsE11 )
- delete group button, see issue #5388
- shows confirmation modal
- members list (admin view)
- membership
- pending membership (waits for acceptance)
- may an admin can set the membership later again to pending?
- accepted membership
- pending membership (waits for acceptance)
- roles #5189 (closed)
- usual member
- admin (later more than one)
- owner (later more than one?)
- moderator (later, for now only the network moderators and admins can moderate)
- remove a member, see issue #5389 (closed)
- with reason (later)
- membership
Group Profile PageReach the group profile page under the path:
- short form:
- long and permanent form:
- The ID identifys the group permanently, even if its slug-name changes.
A groups profile page is kind of similar to a users profile page.
On entering the page:
- No members: Seeing the group description.
- Memebers: Seeing the groups post feed.
Group Profile Content
- at the top
- banner (later, set optional, see issue #397, PR #3634 )
- top box left side
- logo or avatar icon (set optional)
- drag & drop
- file dialog on click
- "⠇" context menu with:
- Group settings (admin/owner of the group)
- name/title (unique)
- slug-name (unique)
- group type
- goal of the group, whats it for?
- location of group
- categories
- button:
Apply for membership
/Get member
/Withdraw membership application
/Leave group
- logo or avatar icon (set optional)
- second box left side
- member list (only public groups)
- right two columns
- expandable description
- suggestion, see Design Drafts For Group Profile
- rich design like a post with:
- headlines, bold, italic etc.
- links
- video embeds
- tab bar gets removed (agreed @LarsE11 @Mogge @Tirokk )
- post feed, see #5385 (closed)
- expandable description
Design Drafts For Group ProfileSuggestions
Description replaces the tabs:
- Every user can report a group with a reason.
- Network moderators/admins can make groups invisible.
- What can admins or owners do? See issue #5386
- Admin:
- What is an admin allowed todo?
- Confirm pending members?
- Removing members from group?
- What is an admin allowed todo?
- Owner:
- Leaving the group:
- If there is another owner?
- Leaving the group:
- Admin:
- If I'm not allowed seeing the group members:
- can i see the members count?
- or shall the admin say if or of not?
- can i see the members count?
Posts And Categories
- Creating a post in a group will overtake its categories as suggestion.
Directly after login the newsfeed will visible. (already happens)
There will be shown:
- Internal public (registered users) posts.
- Posts of my groups.
Post Page
- &group-name
- @author
Post Card (short form of a post)
- &group-name
On klick of it you go to the post page. (already happens)
Network Configuration
- switch groups on and of
Further Planning for later: List Of Ideas And Questions
Can only administrators create groups?
- What about the moderation of closed groups?
- Can all Network moderators moderate them?
- Administrators can turn all groups on and off?
Actions as user
user can create an org -
user can see an orgs profile -
user can search for orgs -
user can follow orgs (?) -
user can become a member (different settings required: invite, request, free join) -
user can see additional infos (in which circumstances? @ulfgebhardt as member?) -
user can read project posts
Actions as owner or admin
owner/admin can delete org -
owner/admin can post as org -
owner/admin can change org settings -
owner/admin can set/change additional info -
owner/admin can invite/set roles of members
Actions as network admin
switch orgs on and off
Open questions and outlooks
rights management (what roles? how? when? whom?) -
Do we allow follow like on the user profile? -
Can only orgs follow orgs? (no: we need a concept how to connect orgs) -
Can users follow orgs? -
group chats of members (we have to recognise that posts are not the same as chat messages even when the comment function of a post is often used like a chat by the users)
User Stories
As a Creator
I want to create an org -
I want to view a Group -
I want to delete a Group -
I want to post as a Group -
I want to publish some general persistent Info about the Group -
I want to administer a Group -
I want to invite others to the Group -
I want to give other access to the Group -
I want to kick members from the group -
I want to administer the members of my Group -[ ] I want to transfer ownership of the Group
As a User
I want to view a Group -
I want to see other Posts of a Group -
I want to find out who's behind that Group/posting as that Group -
I want to join a Group
As a Moderator of the Network
I want to view all contents of a Group -
I want to block a Group as a whole -
I want to block single Posts of a Group -
I want to administer the Group(?) -
I want to administer the members of a Group(?) -
I want to change ownership of a Group -
I want to force a name change on a Group -
I want to remove some or all of the static content of a Group
Suggested initial Order of Implementation:
I want to create a Group -
I want to view a Group -
I want to delete a Group -
I want to publish some general persistent Info about the Group -
I want to post as a Group