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region and place is no longer created twice.

Hannes Heine requested to merge pr905head into pr905base

Created by: Tirokk

ogerly Authored by ogerly Merged

🍰 Pullrequest

the problem is illustrated by the following example ("Hamburg, Germany) and (Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany) to recognize. In this case, Hamburg is created twice. There is a problem with the place.ID and place.place_type For capitals and large cities they have two place.$place_type (region,place) but the ID is not region.ID but place.ID. i changed this conflict. if a place.place_type contains two specifications. the place.ID is changed from "place" to "region". otherwise there can be conflicts in the DB like in the case of hamburg.



  • this should really be checked again. Hamburg is the only place i noticed so far. but i think there will be more cases.

Merge request reports