feat: [WIP] 馃嵃 Single Person Org
Created by: Tirokk
馃嵃 Pullrequest
Implement single person org.
- fixes #4548 (closed)
? migrate database model: give all users a relation to a singular node Profile
? -
implement database models -
GQL for Org
GQL for Profile
upgrade Neode to v0.4.7? #4751 - !!! makes problems with JS heap overflow
add index for :Org? -
set a relation to one :Profile node on all profiles? -
then Cypher can look like this: MATCH (profile)-[:BELONGS-TO]->(:Profile) RETURN profile {.*}
ready to review sub PR #4770
implement org creation #4803 - use the list of social media as template
- put the setting of an org there underneath if you edit it
refactor social media list #4771 (closed) -
use user settings for creation and listing of the users orgs
as network admin switch orgs on and off -
post in the name of your org (later?)
List of possible refactorings
writing comments -
writing posts -
notifications -
report system -
follow -
invite -
search -
shout? -
SocialMedia -
userData? -
muteUser? -
blockUser? -
UpdateUser -
DeleteUser -
Think about
moving the above list to a higher issue?