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publish workflow

Hannes Heine requested to merge publish_workflow into master

Created by: ulfgebhardt

🍰 Pullrequest

  • publish to dockerhub
  • publish to github release
  • release command in main package.json to bump all versions & generate changelog yarn release
  • build tags on github & dockerhub for unique build images e.g. where the 22 refers to the CI Build Number. It is persistent across versions

Problem which will not be solved now: The github release cannot be updated while the dockerhub release will. Therefore the github release will contain the first version and the dockerhub the last version for one version-iteration. Not very intuitive, but I guess that's how it goes. It is recommended to use specific build versions when deploying.

Problem which will not be solved now: Releases appear as unverified

The last commit will always be omitted and therefore should always just include the version bump

This PR includes two version bumps 0.6.4 & 0.6.5 -> we cannot remove them from the releases I guess ;) lets keep them






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