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Close neo4j driver sessions

Hannes Heine requested to merge pr2402head into pr2402base

Created by: Tirokk

roschaefer Authored by roschaefer Merged

We had this error in our neo4j pod recently:

2019-12-02 08:29:42.680+0000 ERROR Unable to schedule bolt session 'bolt-1018230' for execution since there are no available threads to serve it at the moment. You can retry at a later time or consider increasing max thread pool size for bolt connector(s).
2019-12-02 08:29:42.680+0000 ERROR Unable to schedule bolt session 'bolt-1018224' for execution since there are no available threads to serve it at the moment. You can retry at a later time or consider increasing max thread pool size for bolt connector(s).
2019-12-02 08:29:42.681+0000 ERROR Unable to schedule bolt session 'bolt-1018352' for execution since there are no available threads to serve it at the moment. You can retry at a later time or consider increasing max thread pool size for bolt connector(s).
2019-12-02 08:29:42.682+0000 ERROR Unable to schedule bolt session 'bolt-1018243' for execution since there are no available threads to serve it at the moment. You can retry at a later time or consider increasing max thread pool size for bolt connector(s).

Apparently the default is 400 threads. So we must have a leak somewhere.

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