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List and protocol moderation

Hannes Heine requested to merge pr1954head into pr1954base

Created by: Tirokk

Tirokk Authored by Tirokk Merged

🍰 Pullrequest

List and protocol moderation.



  • design moderators reports list
  • fine design of moderators reports list (with tags and CSS) (we can leave it as is, for now in my opinion)
  • write frontend tests
  • write a storybook story #1999 (can be)
  • script to restructure the database data
    • Should it contain a counter-test that checks if all DECIDED and REPORTED have been converted?
  • investigate how to refactor the backend best
  • decide if all decisions should stay in the database: YES, all decisions should stay in the database!
  • implement backend mutations
    • validates in backend that review can only be made if a report exists
  • refactor mutations again to next new database structure with a Claim node
  • write backend tests

Merge request reports