💥 [DevOps] Fix Automatic Deployment To `stage.ocelot.social` On Push To `master` Branch
Created by: Tirokk
💥 DevOps Ticket
Fix automatic deployment to stage.ocelot.social
on push to master
Information: You can overcome it if you rerun the failed jobs on GitHub Actions.
- relates #5080
Our publish.yml
fails on step Verify deployment and wait for the pods of each deplyment to get ready for cleaning and seeding of the database
often, see screen shot:
See file: https://github.com/Ocelot-Social-Community/Ocelot-Social/blob/master/.github/workflows/publish.yml
Increasing the flag --timeout
does not help.
What can we do? @roschaefer @Mogge
This works in my local terminal and it's the same as in the publish.yml
export BUILD_VERSION=1.0.8-196
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl -n default set image deployment/ocelot-webapp container-ocelot-webapp=ocelotsocialnetwork/webapp:$BUILD_VERSION
kubectl -n default rollout restart deployment/ocelot-webapp
kubectl -n default set image deployment/ocelot-backend container-ocelot-backend=ocelotsocialnetwork/backend:$BUILD_VERSION
kubectl -n default rollout restart deployment/ocelot-backend
kubectl -n default set image deployment/ocelot-maintenance container-ocelot-maintenance=ocelotsocialnetwork/maintenance:$BUILD_VERSION
kubectl -n default rollout restart deployment/ocelot-maintenance
kubectl -n default set image deployment/ocelot-neo4j container-ocelot-neo4j=ocelotsocialnetwork/neo4j-community:$BUILD_VERSION
kubectl -n default rollout restart deployment/ocelot-neo4j
kubectl -n default rollout status deployment/ocelot-backend --timeout=600s
kubectl -n default rollout status deployment/ocelot-neo4j --timeout=600s
kubectl -n default exec -it $(kubectl -n default get pods | grep ocelot-backend | awk '{ print $1 }') -- /bin/sh -c "node --experimental-repl-await dist/db/clean.js && node --experimental-repl-await dist/db/seed.js"
We could somehow wait for a certain time in GitHub Actions, but this seems not the good solution to me. Or? !!! I've done this by PR #5097 !!!
Possible Solution
!!! I've done this by PR #5097 !!!
@Elweyn showed me this …
File name: https://github.com/gradido/gradido/blob/master/.github/workflows/test.yml There we find:
- name: Sleep for 30 seconds
run: sleep 30s
shell: bash