🌟 [EPIC] Geolocalisation
Created by: ulfgebhardt
🌟 EPIC - Geolocalisation
We need to be able to geolocalize things in our software. This means we have a more or less precise location for:
- A Post
- An User
- A Group
These locations and related locations need to be displayed on maps.
- UserProfile: User location + follower locations
- OrgaProfile: Orga location + member locations
- Post: Location
The location of post should only be available to the user if we use this for further information.
- Newsfeed as Mapview ("Karte von Morgen" as example)
- Surrounding users & posts map on each post
Location can be used to suggest users, groups, and may be later events and posts to a user.
chose map service: -
@UlfTramsen says we could use the service of https://www.kartevonmorgen.org , because he knows somebody there -
if we don't use streets as destinations, because to not offer the exact location to other users: -
we maybe would need to use ZIP-codes to have not all pins in Hamburg in the center of Hamburg?