馃殌 [Feature] Emotion Reactions on Posts
Created by: Tirokk
Authored by ulfgebhardt Closed
馃殌 Feature
Emotion Reactions on Posts
Emotions -
Image active + inactive @appinteractive can you provide the images? -
PercentageAbsolute values by Userreaction distribution -
User Interaction (click/click again -> change)
HC users wish better filter possibilities in order to suppress "annoying" user and usercontent from their personal Newsfeed. Extending the range of emojis from 5-10 is a good and easy way to create more comfort.
- Funny
- Happy
- Surprised
- Cry
- Angry
- Love (heart)
- Disconnected (broken heart)
- fear (bibbernd)
- questioning (questioning emoji)
- resignated (hand touching face)
- help! (siren on head feat. Minion :-D)
Note: Once selected deselection is not possible
As a User
I`d like posts to be tagged with emotions
in order to be able to filter them by such
Design & Layout - Alpha
Design & Layout - Nitro