馃殌 [Feature] Allow admins to toggle and edit Donations Bar
Created by: Tirokk
Authored by datenbrei
馃殌 Feature
We do not any longer ask users about donations like in a marathon. So the donations bar should be replaced by a freeform html field to be flexible about asking for donations. Changes:
Make the bar disappear
Make the bar in the top of the network be swichable off [ ] Make the text above the donations bar freely configurable[ ] Add a second alternative option for a free form html field for donations info, also switchable off.
Current situation:
The bar is available although we do not ask for single donation in a marathon any longer
User Problem
No donations marathon exists any longer.
The bar should be willingly be replacable by a freeform field which can be set as html in the admin panel, so that we are flexible for the future.
Design & Layout
The field's input should be shown up as text and should be responsive. we don't think of something like an article, but more of a one-liner.
If the bar is hidable the current problem is solved.
Additional context
There is still a wish to ask for donations, but we should start to get flexible.