馃殌 [Feature] Block User 2.0
Created by: Tirokk
Authored by datenbrei Closed
馃殌 Feature
As a network User
I'd like to block one or more other users
to not get confrontated with them any longer.
This is deciding what an other user can't do anymore with me. This is different from blacklisting users: what I'd like to see. This is agreed with Dennis on 2019-09-23.
Changes to current implementation
The blocked user can always see my articles, these are not hidden -
Blocked users always get notices if they are mentioned by me (no shadow banning)
Shadow banning: (the other user does not know, that he is blacklisted)
Behaviour as current implementation
But the blocked user can't comment under my articles -
Blocked users can't @mention me -
Optionally ask, if a user should also be blacklisted #279 (closed)
Design & Layout
Additional context
Later: Blocked users can't have friendship with me -
Later: Blocked users can't contact me via chat