🐛 [Bug] Admin Dashboard page has all counters set to zero
Created by: Tirokk
Authored by Tirokk Closed
🐛 Bugreport
Admin Dashboard page has all counters set to zero.
Error: undefined is not an obtject (evaluating 't.statistics.countUsers’)
Steps to reproduce the behavior
- login as admin
- with the users menu in the header go to admin
- the admin dashboard appears with all counters set to zero
Expected behavior
Should show all the actual counts.
Additional context
Like @roschaefer suggested.
- use the ApolloQuery Vue component for error handling (https://vue-apollo.netlify.com/guide/components/query.html#query-gql-tag)
- afterwards refactor the custom Cypher queries for the counts (ask @roschaefer , @Tirokk , or @mattwr18 )