馃殌 [Feature] Create a pinned Post for administration
Created by: Tirokk
Authored by Tirokk Closed
馃殌 Feature
Feature: Pin a post
As an admin
I want to pin a post so that it always appears at the top
In order to make sure all network users read it - e.g. notify people about security incidents, maintenance downtimes
Design & Layout
Additional context
Limitation of one pinned post maximum: We have evidence from the legacy alpha, that reaching all users is a feature that gets abused for marketing. On legacy alpha, it was the system notifications - originally intended to be rarely used for exceptional situations like planned downtimes - which got heavily abused for marketing purposes. Pinning a post is great for the admin but gives terrible user experience.
Therefore, we decided to go with a limitation of one pinned post max at the same time. That will leave enough space on the index page for the actual (desired) content and also create an incentive to think before you pin a post (because you have only one).
relation with a property pinnedAt
should point from this admin to all its pinned Posts. We could then order by pinnedAt
on the post and not run into any performance issues as we do with "Most popular" or "Most commented" orderings. The pinnedAt
would be null
for all unpinned posts and they would come last.